Tuesday, May 14, 2013


5/14/13 What is the classiest of all lighting fixtures? What is a surefire way to make visitors go, "Wow, they certainly know how to brighten up a room in style!" If you answered "chandelier" to either or both of those questions, you are correct! Of course, I could show you a bunch of boring, crystal chandeliers, but that wouldn't be as much fun as these crazy and cool spins on the design. Here you go!
 I'm sure you've seen an antler chandelier somewhere or another.
 This one doesn't even light up, but it's still decorative!
 This must have taken forever to construct.
 Yes, this is a chandelier MADE OF GUMMY BEARS!

 There are tons of octopus chandeliers out on the internet. Check them out!
Finally, here's one entirely made of wire. There's also a cute puppy in there :)

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the gummy bear one! That must have taken forever to make.... the octopus one is pretty chill too. This is great Emily!
